"Don't Touch The Edges" - Pool Ball Oil Painting

For this painting, my goals were to use colors as shadows and to create separate chunks for all the parts of the ball and its shadow. I accomplished my goals by using a brush and oil paint on a red-painted canvas. My painting is all about colors, colorful shadows, and texture. The most difficult part about doing this painting was the fact that this was my first time working with oils and I had to get used to the medium. I also found not touching any of the colors together to be tricky. I met all these challenges by pushing my way through it all and fixing my mistakes with a palate knife and some turpentine. My painting really works with all the colors and its scheme. I like how all the purples and blues turned out. Some things that I learned were how to use oil paints, how to handle oil paints, and how to section out chunks of color and shadows. My mentor for this painting was Peggi Kroll. From her, I learned how to paint in bold strokes and not worry about everything blending together. Another classmate that I learned from was Murphy because I really admired her work ethic. She was always eager to start painting and just really went for it with confidence. I would like to have that level of confidence someday. If I had to redo anything, I would experiment with more colors and clean up some of my lines. I feel best about the colors I used and how the yellow background contrasts with everything. 


  1. You broke up the ball into many shapes that created a sense pf VOLUME and FORM


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